The Greenways are abandoned railway lines converted to trails, perfect for hiking or cycling in a natural setting. Why? Because they are easily accessible paths, comfortable for walking or cycling at any age or fitness level; no motor vehicles are allowed on them, they go through beautiful landscapes and bring us to locations rich in culture.Do you want to find out more about Greenways? Visit the official website:

Cyclist pedalling at sunset along a Greenway
Cyclist pedalling at sunset along a Greenway

More than 3,500 kilometres of paths

There are around 140 Greenways in Spain and in total they add up to more than 3,500 kilometres of nature trails. They can be found practically everywhere in the country (except for the Canary Islands), both inland and near the coast. The routes are very varied, going through both rural and urban areas, and their length can range from just five kilometres to well over 100 kilometres. There are also activities organised around the trails, such as sports events, photography workshops and cycle touring meetings.Routes accessible to all: The routes are very flat, with gentle layouts, gradients almost always less than 3% and wide curves that guarantee universal accessibility to anyone who wants to enjoy nature. Your age and fitness level are not important, and reduced mobility or any other disability does not have to hold you back.

Cyclists resting in the old station of Cassà de la Selva, in Girona, Catalonia
Cyclists resting in the old station of Cassà de la Selva, in Girona, Catalonia © Consorcio de Vías Verdes de Girona

The rich heritage of the railways

Over 125 old stations have already been renovated to provide new services to travellers: small charming hotels, hostels, restaurants, cafes, railway or nature museums, tourist information points and bike hire services. You won't have to go without anything! Another attraction is the wealth of heritage of the old rail routes, with tunnels, viaducts and bridges, turning a walking or cycling trip into a magical experience.

Hiker crossing the Roman bridge of Valimbre on the Vía de la Plata, in Leon, Castile and Leon
Hiker crossing the Roman bridge of Valimbre on the Vía de la Plata, in Leon, Castile and Leon

Why choose Greenways for hiking?

For their comfort, safety, variety, and of course, their natural beauty. However, Greenways offer much more than nature. These former railway tracks have been prepared for sport use and are all clearly signposted. Furthermore, everything has been carried out with the greatest respect for the environment, integrating the routes in their natural setting. Along the trails, you will find panels explaining the main natural and cultural points of interest. The Greenways website also has a map of all the rail trails in Spain with detailed information on each one.

Cycle tourists on the El Carrilet Greenway in Girona, Catalonia
Cycle tourists on the El Carrilet Greenway in Girona, Catalonia © Consorcio de Vías Verdes de Girona

Why choose Greenways for cycle touring?

Because you can enjoy nature as you cycle without the inconveniences of sharing a road with motor vehicles. Motorised traffic is restricted, and in most places where Greenways cross roads, they go over or under them. The tunnels along the routes are also lit up for the convenience of cyclists and walkers, with a good surface and straight stretches for a comfortable transit. On some routes, there are also bicycles for hire, and all the trails offer a wide range of accommodation and restaurants.